Know your Skipper - Vixit Ray

Know your Skipper - Vixit Ray

Captain - 4th XI

Q1)     How do you feel about being elected as a captain for the first time?
I feel a sense of responsibility to be the face of our club. I feel extremely privileged to be appointed as a captain. I had played some friendlies as a captain, which made me realize it's not just about cricket, it's also about the team culture and ethos of the club. I really wanted to take this responsibility and I am glad the opportunity has been given to me. I want to promote the sportsman spirit of the game more than anything. Q2)     Since you were announced captain, how has your life changed?
It has definitely changed. Especially in the nets, I am keeping a close watch. I am more observant. I am looking very closely at how people are playing in the nets, their commitment during nets, their attendance and general behaviour. Q3)     In your opinion what are the essential qualities of a captain?
First of all, one has to be patient. To have an understanding that you cannot make everyone happy but to strike the right balance is the key. Also most desirable quality for a captain is to be able to instil team spirit within the team and so on. Q4)     In the upcoming season, what do you plan on achieving?
My main goal is to promote the club's culture. Winning or losing is part of the process but to make sure whoever comes out to play, everybody, enjoys the game of cricket rather than looking into their individual contribution. So it will be a coherent approach really, for everyone. Q5)     What is the one quality that you expect from your team members?
Sportsman spirit. I can promise there will be never a game, we leave without playing it with the right spirit. The utmost quality that I seek in my team is sportsman spirit. Q6)     How do you communicate with your team members and build team spirit?
Of course, before the game and once the selection is done, I will talk to individuals, I will also have to look at who can be a helping hand in leading the team, and I will delegate the responsibilities to such candidates. On top of this, making everyone realise their roles and having transparent communication will be key. Q7)     How do you plan to handle pressure situations?
In a crunch situation or in a pressure situation, I think I can handle the situation very calmly. I will assess the situation on a case-by-case basis and take a call accordingly. As I said earlier, team spirit is of prime importance and enjoying your day and the game is most important. So whether we win or lose, idea is to create a culture where people play in the right spirit and enjoy the lovely game of Cricket. Q8)     How do you balance your responsibilities as a captain and as a player?
There is some added pressure due to the responsibility of a captain as I have to carry the team. I am happy to take that added pressure, as it will be a way to further develop myself as an efficient leader. Q9)     Who is the one player in the club that you look up to, both as a captain and as a player?
As a captain, of course, I look up to Chintu, because of his way of managing things. I know him from a different perspective in which nobody knows him. I started my career as an umpire, I know how he behaved with me at that time and that respect and attitude were fantastic.

As a player, I like Poovi and of course, he is my personal favourite and I have mentioned it many times. The way he conducts himself, and his approach towards the game both on and off the field, make him my favourite.
Q10)     Time for some prediction - who do you think will be the top three in batting and bowling end of season 2023?
For batting, I think it would be: Poovi, Inder and another one I see solid in nets are Raina. I watch you guys very closely in nets. I think you guys are gonna have a good season from a batting point of view.

From a bowling point of view, the leading wicket-takers for the club can be - Pushpendra, who is my dark horse, and one of Raghu/Sri. Mahesh can be one as well
Q11)     Who is the one player you would want to have in your team?
The one player I want in my team of course is you. The reason for that one is, I have seen in the last few nets your bowling. I was not expecting that one, batting I know you do exceptionally well and there is no doubt about you but I have never seen you bowl that well. You do not just come and bowl you do think about it so you do give an all-round benefit. Q12)     Last question - what is one good thing you like about this club and what is that would want to see improved?
One thing that I feel positive about the club and the reason I joined the club is that it is a very social club where everybody is having a good time off the field and onfield with good quality cricket. There are not many clubs available that have both of these ingredients. Some clubs have good cricket but lack social aspects others have good social aspects but low standards of cricket.

One thing I want to improve, which I always mention, and in past, quite a few times to Tanmay is women's cricket. I think we should have a separate session for girls, especially for young girls. As we know women's cricket is going big and I feel if we focus on this it can take clubs to massive levels.